Today, I’m writing to you about an issue that hits home for me, particularly as a business leader in North Carolina. You may have heard about the state’s recent passage of House Bill 2, a law that blocks local governments from passing anti-discrimination rules to protect gay and transgender people.
Hundreds of companies, business leaders and authors, along with individual states, film production crews and others, have publicly opposed this law and called for boycotts. But I’m not writing to you over concerns about the economic or public relations fallout of such legislation. As the CEO of a global organization that encourages and thrives on inclusiveness and diversity of all kinds, I feel compelled to speak out about what our company stands for and why this issue matters to all of us.
Diversity and inclusion are at the heart of our entire business. It¹s what Whole Brain®Thinking is all about. Being able to tap into the full range of different perspectives, ideas and backgrounds is what makes us better, more effective leaders. As we all focus on our goals, implement, collaborate and innovate, we depend on the synergy that diversity brings us as a team and as partners working with diverse clients, organizations and thinkers around the world.
I am grateful for the talents, thinking preferences and experiences each of you and each of our employees bring to the conversation. And I want you to know that everywhere Herrmann International does business, we welcome you with open arms and open minds.