
We Stand with our Black Team Members, Clients and Thinkers

[This post is an email that we sent to our clients on June 4, 2020.]

We felt it was important to reach out to you right now, as you are probably feeling a range of emotions in response to the horrific deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and other people of color. We are, too. This grief is becoming all too familiar.

It’s crucial that this pain is channeled into action to effect change.

First, we want to be completely clear.

We reaffirm that we are fully committed to promoting equality and inclusion, not only in the workplace, but throughout all of society. We denounce racism and discrimination of any kind.

We have worked continuously over the years to build a culture that celebrates each of our teammate’s diverse traits. And internally we have already started a dialogue to help identify ways we can improve on this foundation by launching a weekly forum on the topic of inclusion. It gives all of us, and in particular our black teammates, a chance to share our experiences, listen, learn and grow.

As we stand with you, we want you to know we are also here for you and your team. The issues we are currently facing can’t be solved in a moment, but this is a great time to join us in reviewing your organization’s plan for inclusion and equality.

We pledge to use our platform to create more awareness around ways to better support Thinkers of all races and backgrounds by leveraging cognitive diversity to frame the tough conversations ahead.

And as a resource to you, we will be offering more robust content to reinforce focus on creating inclusive environments. To do this, we will continue to partner with respected leaders of underrepresented communities to drive these discussions.

Here’s a preview of that D&I Content Hub.

We stand with our black team members, clients, and Thinkers. We will not be silent!

May peace and equality prevail. ✌️✊


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