Whole Brain® Thinking Blog

Herrmann’s Whole Brain® Thinking blog is your source for insights and advice on how to apply Whole Brain® Thinking to your team’s daily workflows.

Karim Morgan Nehdi

Recent Posts

How to have better conversations about racial bias

Momentum for action on racial equity has continued to build around the world. Cognitive diversity ...

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How Will You Adapt? Cognitive Diversity And The “Next Normal”

We are fortunate to work with clients who are often the most progressive and forward-thinking ...

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Adapting to Uncertainty

It's time to think about what the "Next Normal" will look like for you. it's one thing to adapt ...

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Supporting our global Whole Brain® community in responding to COVID-19

Herrmann's CEO Karim Nehdi provides a statement to our Whole Brain® community in light of the ...

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5 Ways to Supercharge Your Productivity When Working Remotely

Herrmann's CEO Karim Nehdi shares five best practices for working remotely as the one of the ...

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Taking the CEO Action for Diversity & Inclusion Pledge

As the CEO of Herrmann, I’m proud that one of my first actions in taking on the role was to become ...

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The Most Important Talent Management Idea in 2020

What will be the leading talent management trend in 2020? This article provides insight from ...

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Why We Instituted Meetingless Mondays

Learn why we're blocking off our calendars one day a week.

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