One of the traps of our technology-enabled, overloaded world is that we often default to a one-size-fits-all approach when dealing with others. When you’re expected to “do more with less” and shift your priorities and attentions on a dime, template-izing repeated tasks or common responses seems like a good way to shortcut the process.
But does it really?
The truth is, one size typically only fits a very few. So what usually ends up happening is that you spend more time trying to “be heard” and get your point across. When the people you’re interacting with are external customers, it may even put you at risk of damaging the relationship or losing the business.
In a recent Loyalty Management Magazine article, How to Think Like Your Customer (And Why It Matters), Ann Herrmann-Nehdi explains why “thinking like your customer” can make all the difference by allowing you to quickly focus your attention where it matters and communicate with the greatest impact.
The article describes four different kinds of customers you might encounter, how their thinking preferences will impact their behaviors and interests, and tips for adapting your thinking to improve your success. (Note: Free registration is required to access the article.)
For more quick tips on this topic, check out Ann’s video lesson for AthenaOnline’s MyQuickCoach Series, “Connecting with the Customer.”