Whole Brain® Thinking Killer Apps

In last week’s THINC™ Webinar, Ann Herrmann-Nehdi discussed five Whole Brain® Thinking “Killer Apps” for 2010:

  1. Accelerating Leadership Development
  2. Making Connections That Pay Dividends
  3. Mindful Engagement
  4. Innovating Ahead
  5. Thinking Strategically to Think Around Corners

Is your organization prepared to effectively deal with these issues? They’ll not only impact success in 2010, they will also shape how well the organization is positioned moving into the years ahead.

During the webinar, Ann shared some examples of what forward-thinking companies are doing to hone in on these mission-critical issues, and how Whole Brain® Thinking is driving that process.

If you missed the webinar, you can view the recording, 5 Essential Applications of Whole Brain® Thinking for Success in 2010, to see the specific examples and find out what other participants had to say about issues such as customer service, innovation and leadership development.

Get your copy of the Whole Brain Business Book here!

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