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5 Languages of Appreciation

Take a moment to think about this scenario...

You are working with other co-workers on trying to land a large customer deal. It's a team effort, of course, but one of your co-workers really goes the extra mile and knocks it out of the park, by essentially closing the deal and making the sale. You are elated! You want to congratulate your co-worker for their extraordinary effort. But, what would be the best way to show your appreciation? 

Just as people have unique thinking preferences, they also have unique ways in which they like to be appreciated for a job well done. 

At work, people express and receive appreciation in different ways. If you try to express appreciation in ways that aren’t meaningful to your co-workers, they may not feel valued at all. This is because you and your co-workers are speaking different languages. So, how can you mitigate miscommunication and make sure that you are speaking the same language? Simple, just ask! 

The 5 Languages of Appreciation

During a monthly company learning session, Herrmann employees took an online assessment that provided insight on The 5 Languages of Appreciation. Employees then shared their results with other co-workers and team members to bring transparency to the group. Lastly, each co-worker spoke to how their results correlated to their personal HBDI® profile score. The results demonstrated a correlation as the team explored in more depth how each of the four Whole Brain® Thinking modules corresponded to each of the 5 Languages of Appreciation. 

The 5 Languages of Appreciation

  1. Acts of Service (top pick for Herrmann employees high in the Blue and Red quadrants)
    - Lend a helping hand & finish what you start 
  2. Quality Time - (top pick for Herrmann employees high in the Green and Yellow quadrants)
    - Focused attention and meaningful conversation
  3. Words of Affirmation - (top pick for Herrmann employees high in the Yellow and Red quadrants)
    - Positive words to motivate or show gratitude
  4. Tangible Gifts - (top pick for Herrmann employees high in the Yellow and Blue quadrants)
    - Must be valued to show value
  5. Appropriate Physical Touch - (top pick for Herrmann employees high in the Red quadrant
    - Consider appropriate contact like high-fives and fist bumps

Now, with the knowledge of each co-worker's appreciation preferences, our team members will be able to better show their appreciation by speaking the same language. 

The Pandemic's Effect on the 5 Languages of Appreciation

If we've learned anything from the pandemic it is that people need to feel a part of something, they need interaction and to know that their contribution matters and is valued.

Look at the “Great Resignation.” Many companies lost great talent because they didn’t take the time to let their employees know how important they were to the organization or project. Many employees realized that they could go someplace else, where they could feel like they belonged and that they mattered. 

Make a Change

All co-workers should play a part in showing appreciation. One of the ways we can all help with making people feel like they matter is to let them know.

Appreciation can make someone’s day, week or month. Sincere thanks done in someone’s preferred preference will have a tangible effect on any organization. Productivity, employee satisfaction, and office morale tend to improve in corporate cultures where recognition is encouraged.

The Ask

Use this blog post as your resource to examine how people within your organization like to be appreciated. Discuss thinking style preferences amongst your team members how they prefer to be appreciated. What correlations can you make between the two? Do you feel that team members that are relatively high in one quadrant prefer one language of appreciation versus another? Leave your comments below, as we'd love to get your feedback. 

The four-color, four-quadrant graphic, HBDI® and Whole Brain® are trademarks of Herrmann Global, LLC.