Whole Brain® Thinking Blog

Sales Growth: The Thought That Counts

Written by Marla Lepore | Sep 14, 2011 8:09:19 PM

When it comes to sales effectiveness, are you paying attention to what really matters?

If you’re not focusing on the thinking that drives sales growth, you won’t get the best from your people and processes. It’s that simple.

How we think impacts everything we do—and the results we get. Our newest white paper will be filled with proven tips and tools based on what we know about thinking and performance to help you sell more, waste less and set your team up for success:

“We don’t have to throw out everything we’ve been doing in our sales organizations. Instead, we need to take a closer look at the engine that drives our sales results: the brains of those who make it happen and the systems they engage to achieve those results. Too many of us are wasting time, energy and effort and risking revenue because we’ve haven’t paid attention to the core—the thinking that produces results.”

You can get your copy by attending our upcoming free webinar, Optimizing Your Sales Organization for Long-Term Growth.

Join us on September 28th for an exploration of how to apply agile thinking and a Whole Brain® approach to drive sales results, and get priority access to this new paper.

Reserve your spot today!