Whole Brain® Thinking Blog

Holiday Cartoon Contest Winners!

Written by Marla Lepore | Jan 11, 2010 11:17:40 AM

More than a hundred of you participated in our recent blog contest, voting for your favorite from a selection of 5 holiday cartoons. And now the people – and their funny bones – have spoken:

While cartoons #2 and #4 duked it out for a respectable showing in second place, the 5’s were the clear favorite.

Let us know what you think: Does that say anything about the brain dominance of our commenters? Or maybe it just means we’ve all been spending a lot of time with our laptops lately!

In addition to having the opportunity to take a break and laugh for a moment, two lucky commenters, Monika Lumsdaine and Susan White, have won these fabulous prizes from Herrmann International:

As the 15th entry, Monika was the winner of the random draw.

Susan provided the 100th entry, which was also eligible to win a prize, as Ann Herrmann–Nehdi announced in her Training Magazine Network Group “Secrets of the CEO Brain.”

Congratulations to Monika and Susan! Please email service@hbdi.com or call 800-432-4234 (press option 6) to claim your prizes!

Thanks to everyone for participating in this quick break from the routine and for your lively discussion. Be sure to join the “Secrets of the CEO Brain” Group on Training Magazine Network and follow us on Twitter to learn about your next opportunity to win a prize from Herrmann International.