Whole Brain® Thinking Blog

The Organizing Principle of the Brain (And Our Latest Blog Contest!)

Written by Marla Lepore | Feb 24, 2011 1:55:52 PM

Ned Herrmann, founder of Herrmann International, wrote that the Whole Brain® Model is a metaphor for an organizing principle of how the brain works.

Wikipedia defines an organizing principle as “a core assumption from which everything else by proximity can derive a classification or a value. It is like a central reference point that allows all other objects to be located.”

When you consider the brain as an organizing principle, you begin to realize how many ways Whole Brain® Thinking can be applied and how far-reaching the applications are for driving the Whole Brain® Advantage, both in work and in personal life.

In fact, over the years Ned came up with quite a list:

40 Ways to Drive the Whole Brain® Advantage
Under the Organizing Principle of the Brain

Applied Creative Thinking
Career Orientation
Creative Problem Solving
Customer Service
Decision Making
Family Relationships
Group Process
Human Resource Development
Job Design
Leadership Development
Learning Design
Management Development
Meeting Design
Organization Design
Organization Effectiveness
Personal Growth
Post-Merger Integration
Process Design
Product Design
Project Management
Strategic Thinking
Task Force Creation
Teaching & Training Delivery
Team Building and Bonding
Time Management
Workshop Design

Now we want to know what you think (and we have a terrific prize for two lucky commenters!):

1. What would you add to this list?
2. Which one application do you think will be most important to organizational success in 2011?

Leave a comment with your answers, and you could win a free HBDI® Profile Board. The Profile Board is a great tool for reinforcing the application of Whole Brain® Thinking and organizing team activities and interactions around a central reference point of Whole Brain® Thinking.

This is your opportunity to contribute to the collective intelligence of the Whole Brain® Thinking community! We’ll publish the updated list in a future issue of our BrainBytes™ newsletter.

Two winners will be selected by random drawing from comments on this blog entry related to the questions above. Contest is open until March 18, 2011.