Whole Brain® Thinking Blog

Whole Brain® Content Libraries: Supporting L&D as a Strategic Partner

Written by Marla Lepore | Aug 24, 2016 2:00:00 PM

Over the past several years, we’ve heard a lot about what learning and development (L&D) needs to do to earn its “seat at the table” in today’s business environment. As long as it’s viewed primarily as a support (aka cost) function, it will continue to be viewed as a cost to be minimized.

Many of the L&D professionals and consultants we work with are leading the way in what’s known as “high-value L&D.” They don’t look at L&D as a function that provides some training and resources to employees, with a primary goal of checking the box to show that you’ve done it. Instead, they’ve turned L&D into a strategic enabler of the business, one that drives specific and mission-critical business goals. Their focus is, as author Mike Hawkins explains, “on shaping the desired culture, fostering new ways of thinking, developing new behaviors, and driving strategic opportunities.”

This is one of the reasons our global innovation team has been working behind the scenes over the past several months to explore new and different ways in which we can support the high-value L&D objectives of our clients.

As part of that process, this month, we’ve launched Whole Brain® Content Libraries, collections of digital assets organized around specific topics that offer our clients greater flexibility and easy access to Whole Brain® Thinking content for use in their L&D, talent, culture and strategy initiatives.

Step Up Your Return on Intelligence®

What does this mean for you? If you’re an HBDI® Practitioner, you can now tap into our 35 years of IP and pioneering research on the connection between thinking, performance and business results to enhance the strategic value of your work. You’ll be able to incorporate these models, “walkarounds,” facilitation guides, worksheets and other reading materials into your new or existing programs and initiatives, making it that much easier to embed Whole Brain® Thinking into the culture.

By giving you wider access to our expertise on transformative thinking, our goal is to help you ensure Whole Brain® Thinking is consistently communicated, reinforced and applied to drive strategic benefit and greater business value. Raising awareness and introducing concepts are important, but when you influence the day-to-day thinking, behaviors, actions and operations of the business, real change and impact start to happen. And that’s where you realize the most powerful level of ROI: Return on Intelligence®.

The best part? It’s as simple as 1, 2, 3:

  1. Talk with a Whole Brain® Strategist to work through the issues you need to address and the outcomes you want to achieve so you can determine the right path forward.
  2. Access the materials via our self-service, user-friendly libraries, and find the content that applies to your specific business and organizational goals.
  3. Easily customize and enhance your work by incorporating the content into your new or existing programs.

The first libraries we’ve rolled out address such topics as change management, coaching, communication, and teams and collaboration. Additional libraries will follow, covering a range of business and HR issues through the lens of Whole Brain® Thinking.

Because Whole Brain® Thinking is applicable to so many business and organizational issues, we know our clients—many of whom are experts in various specialties, industries and niches—will find innovative ways to use these assets to make a significant impact in key business and performance areas. We can’t wait to hear about the results you get by turning better thinking into a way of doing business!

Ready to step up your Return on Intelligence®? Talk to a Whole Brain® Strategist today to learn more about our Whole Brain® Content Libraries, including full details and licensing options.